shona methodist hymns

a forum for the Christian faith, belief in one God, methodist church hymns, the sanctity of life, third world development issues, alleviation of poverty

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Were Zimbabwe elections rigged?
Is it me only who thinks that elections were rigged in Zimbabwe?
After waiting for five years, then this?
Does money buy elections?
Will you give peace to those who rigged elections?
So those who were murdered in 2008 died in vain?
Should Zimbabwe go this way?
Has impunity replaced justice for ever in Zimbabwe?
How do you justify the 31 July 2013 election results?
Should people's dreams of democratic change just dissipate like that?
Should Zimbabweans be denied free and fair elections?
Should Zimbabweans wallow in poverty for the next five years again?
Was this not daylight robbery?
Where have people been bussed to vote where they don't live?
Why were people denied voter registration?
Why were people's names not there on polling day?
Why were some people forced to pretend to be illiterate on polling day?
Why were people forced to queue behind their headmen, village heads and chiefs?
Why did a presiding officer smuggle a ballot box with presidential ballots (daily news 03 08 13)?
Who will pay councils for the US$2 billion write-off ordered by the regime in Zimbabwe?
In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, I ask for guidance and protection
I am your loving son clifford

I thank you for blessing me
I thank you for inspiring me
I thank you for your mercy
I thank you for your guidance
I thank you for enabling me achieve my aim
I thank you for helping me publish my book
I thank you for immortalizing my ideas
I thank you for being always with me
I thank you for feeding me
I thank you for clothing me
I thank you for housing me
I thank you for making people buy my book

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Thanking My Creator on 1st January 3013.

Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen

I wish to thank you for your mercy, blessings and forgiveness of my sins;
I am very glad to have witnessed this wonderful New Year today!
It was great to notice the difference from the preceding days;
Because yesterday and before, the weather was awful and miserable,
But you changed that today with bright sunshine to signal a new year.
What a wonderful way to prove that you are the creator!
I will look forward to your protection, guidance and wisdom in 2013!

Visitors, please note, the Shona prayer below is not a translation of the English one above. It's just my way of getting closer to God in my own mother tongue which I am very proud of.

Mwari muna masimba ose, Baba waIshe wedu Jesu Kristu;
Asingade kufa kwemutadzi,
asi anoregerera avo vanobvuma zvidariko zvavo.
Ndinokutendai nenyasha dzenyu;
Ndinonzwa manyawi kuziva kuti muri pedyo neni nguva dzose;
Ndinoziva kuti ndimi munokunda vavengi vangu ini ndakatovarairwa zvangu;
Chindiropafadzai mugoredzva rino, nezvipo zvehutano, njere nekubudirira;
Kudzamara kuve kusinga pere;
Neropa raIshe wedu Jesu Kristu wakakomborerwa;
Naiye Mweya Mutsvene

My inspiration is the Book of Job as it resonates well with modern day life. According to the Readers' Digest Bible, Illustrated Edition, London (1990,339), Satan is presented by the writer of the Book of Job as one of the 'sons' or servants of God. Acting as a kind of "counsel for the prosecution" in the court of heaven, Satan is given permission to test Job's faith by inflicting suffering upon him.

 Shona Methodist Hymn 123

1. Nganga huru yave pedyo,
Ane tsitsi ndiJesu;
Anoda kutifarisa
Inzwa izwi raJesu’

Zita rakanakisa
Rinotipa rufaro,
Rumbo rwakanakisa
Jesu,Ishe Jesu.

2. Anobvuma shoko rake
Agofamba zvakanaka
Aende kuna Jesu.

3. Utsvene huri kwaari,
Zvino ndotenda Jesu;
Ndinorida zita rake,
Zita raKristu Jesu.

4. Kutya kwangu kwaparadzwa
Nezita rake Jesu;
Mwoyo wangu unofara
Kunzwa zita raJesu.

5. Kana tazosvika uko
Tichazova naJesu;
Tichakurumbidza zita
Zita raIshe Jesu.

Source: Dziyo Dzemethodist Neminamato, Gwelo (Gweru): Mambo Press, Copyright Salisbury, 1964.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rakanaka Iro Zuva Hymn 138

Rakanaka iro zuva
Randakatenda kuna She!
Mwoyo wangu fara zvako
Udza vanhu vose naro

Ranaka, ranaka
RaJesu wakandishamba
Iye wakandidzidzisa
Kurinda nekuteura
Ranaka, ranaka

Chanaka chitenderano
Chinondisunga kuna She!
Ngaizadzwe imbayake
Norwiyo rwndinoimba

Rakapera basa guru!
Ndiri wake, uri wangu
Wakandizuva norudo
Ndikamutevera ini

Mwoyo wangu chizorora!
Wakatsaukaniswa kare
Rega kubva kuna Ishe
Kwa’ri zvose zvakanaka

Nokudenga chakanzwikwa
I’chitenderano changu
Napakufa ndingatende
Nokuti’ni ndiri wake

Source: Nziyo dzeMethodist neMinamato, Mambo Publishers: Gweru, Zimbabwe

14th February My happy birthday!

Lord I know you are there!
Thank you Lord for your mercy in making me celebrate my birthday today!
Maita henyu Mwari netsitsi dzenyu nekundiita kuti ndipemberere zuva randakazvarwa!
I pray that you bless me with many, many more!
Lord keep me and my family healthy and safe from the evil one - Satan the devil
I know that your son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are watching over us!
Forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us.
And deliver us from evil
For ever and ever!

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Mwari ariko - God Exists

Nezuro, musi we Chipiri, 3 January 2012, ndakarota ndichiimba

Hymn 209

Ishe taungana
Muno mumba yenyu;
Uyaiwo, zvatapinda
Ishe mberi kwenyu.

Iyo mwoyo yedu
Nayo mweya yedu Ishe

Hurukuro dzenyu
Baba, ngatidzinzwe;
Razarurwa dama renyu
Nemi tikunzwei.

Tinatswewo, Ishe,
Isu vanhu venyu;
Kana tafa, tipinzwewo
Mune denga renyu.


Hymn 209 is from the Nziyo DzeMethodist neMinamato Hymn book.

Mwari Muna Masimba Ose
Baba waIshe wedu Jesu Kristu
Asingade kufa kwemutadzi
Asi anoregerera avo vanobvuma zvitadariko zvavo
Ndikomborereiwo mugoredzva ratapinda
Kuburukidza nezita raIshe wedu Jesu Kristu
Mwana komana wenyu
NaMweya Mutsvene

The prayer above is adapted from Nziyo DzeMethodist NeMinamato - with inputs from my own humble requests to my creator. I know that God exists and that he communicates with his people in various ways.

In my case, one of the ways has been through dreams which are very inspiring as they relate to the word of God and the hymns I used to sing in my primary school days in the 1960s' and at Methodist church services as I grew up and became a parent in Zimbabwe. Although, it is a difefrent story in the UK where I now live, I still worship God, read the Revised Standard Version Bible and sing Methodist Hymns from my Shona Hymn book - my most valuable treasures in the Diaspora.

Clifford Chitupa Mashiri 04/01/12

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for entry into 2012

God, I would like to thank you for your mercy and love by blessing me with life and good health enabling me to enter 2012 in one good piece!

Lord Jesus Christ and the Holly Spirit, look after me and my family with your watchful eyes above there! I know you are ther always taking of me and my loved ones.

I know that God is Great. God loves me and guides me. God pardons my sins. There is nothing I could manage on earth without God's mercy and love.

Now Lord Jesus Christ, promise to bless me with success in all my projects, in all my tribulations, in all my aspirations. I ask in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!

Mwari ndinokutendai netsi tsi dzenyu
Ndinonzwa manyawi mazuva ose
Nekuziva kuti muri neni nguva dzose
Zita renyu ngarirumbidzwe kumusoroso
Kuburikidza nezita raJesu Kristu Mwana konamana wenyu
Namweya mutsvene.

Hymn 138

Rakanaka iro zuva
Randakatenda kuna She!
Mwoyo wangu fara zvako
Udza vanhu vose naro

Ranaka, ranaka
RaJesu wakandishamba
Iye wakandidzidzisa
Kurinda nekuteura
Ranaka, ranaka

Chanaka chitenderano
Chinondisunga kuna She!
Ngaizadzwe imbayake
Norwiyo rwndinoimba

Rakapera basa guru!
Ndiri wake, uri wangu
Wakandizuva norudo
Ndikamutevera ini

Mwoyo wangu chizorora!
Wakatsaukaniswa kare
Rega kubva kuna Ishe
Kwa’ri zvose zvakanaka

Nokudenga chakanzwikwa
I’chitenderano changu
Napakufa ndingatende
Nokuti’ni ndiri wake
A a a a a a a men!

Monday, July 04, 2011

Hymn 141 Ndinofara kuti Baba wedu ...

Ndinofara kuti Baba wedu
Wareva rudo rwake rukuru
Murugwaro rwake rwakana
Ndonzwa kuti Jesu anondida

Ndinofara Jesu wandida
Anondida, anondida
Ndinofara, Jesu wandida,
Ini anondida

Kana ini ndichimukanganwa
Iye anozondiyeuchidza
Zvino kwaari ndinodzokera
Ndonzwa kuti Jesu anondida

My daily prayer in Shona

Muzita Raba nereMwanakomana nereMweya Mutsvene - Amen
Mwari muna masimba ose, Baba waIshe wedu Jesu Kristu

Asingade kufa kwemutadzi
Asi anoregerera avo vanobvuma zvidariko zvavo
Ndiregerereiwo zvitadzo zvangu
Ivai neni muzuva ranhasi, naiwo ose anotevera
Ndikomborererei nehupenyu nehutano
Ndikunde Satani pane zvose zvandischaita kuti ndirarame
Kuburikidza naiye Mwana komana wenyu, Jesu Christu, naMweya Mutsvene

Friday, February 11, 2011

shona methodist hymns: A Cry For Help Psalms 88

shona methodist hymns: A Cry For Help Psalms 88

A Cry For Help Psalms 88

Lord God, my saviour, I cry out all day,
and at night I come before you.
Hear my prayer;
listen to my cry for help!
So many troubles have fallen on me that I am close to death.
I am like all others who are about to die; all my strength is gone.
I am abandoned among the dead;
I am like the slain lying in their graves, those you have forgotten completely, who are beyond your help.
You have thrown me into the depths of the tomb, into the darkest and deepest pit.
Your anger lies heavy on me, and I am crushed beneath its waves.
Source: Good News Bible,Today's English Version, Bible Society of South Africa, 1977: 622.