shona methodist hymns

a forum for the Christian faith, belief in one God, methodist church hymns, the sanctity of life, third world development issues, alleviation of poverty

Thursday, June 29, 2006

my favourite hymns


Source: Dzimbo DzeMethodist NeMinamato, 1964, Methodist Church, Salisbury.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Hymn 117

Nditarire nokufara
Ishe wangu
Ndimi makazondifira
Ishe wangu
Makasiya denga renyu
Makazvideredza chose
Kuti mugondiponisa
Ishe wangu.

Ndandigere mune rima
Ishe wangu
Ndaienda kuno rufu
Ishe wangu.
Dzakauya nhume dzenyu
Kuti ndinzwe dama renyu
Dzandiudza tsitsi dzenyu
Ishe wangu.

Ngandinzwiswe ngoni dzenyu
Ishe wangu;
Ndive muponiswa wenyu
Ishe wangu
Zvakaipa ngazvipere
Mwoyo wangu utsveniswe
Inzwai mundiregerere
Ishe wangu!

Mbiri ngaive kuna Baba, nokuMwanakomana, nokuMweya Mutsvene.


Mwari Kudzwai Nekusingapere

Ndinokutendai Mwari Baba wedu vari kudenga
Mune ngoni dzisingapere
Ndinokukumbirai muve neni zuva ranhasi; ndiregerereiwo zvitadzo zvangu zvose.
Ndiropafadzei neMweya Mutsvene, ndikunde zviyedzo zvese, ndibudirire pane zvose zvandiri kuita kubusiness rangu nekumba kwangu;
Ndipei simba nenjere; ndipei rombo rakanaka; ndipei kutenda; ndipei ruzivo; ndidzivirireri pavavengi vangu;
Dzingai Satan abve kwandiri. Kudzwai nekusingapere kuburikidza naJesu Kristu Mwanakomana wenyu neMweya Mutsvene.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Nice songs from Cyberhymnal

I Never Knew You

I remember calvary

I shall not want

Ndanzwa izwi renyu


I hear Thy welcome voiceThat calls me, Lord, to Thee,For cleansing in Thy precious bloodThat flowed on Calvary.
I am coming Lord!Coming now to Thee!Wash me, cleanse me in the bloodThat flowed on Calvary!
Though coming weak and vile,Thou dost my strength assure;Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse,Till spotless all, and pure.
’Tis Jesus calls me onTo perfect faith and love,To perfect hope and peace and trust,For earth and Heav’n above.
’Tis Jesus Who confirmsThe blessèd work within,By adding grace to welcomed grace,Where reigned the power of sin.
And He the witness givesTo loyal hearts and freeThat every promise is fulfilled,If faith but brings the plea.
All hail! atoning blood!All hail! redeeming grace!All hail! the gift of Christ our Lord,Our Strength and Righteousness.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Your silver perish with you

From the Acts of the Apostoles

When the apostles at Jerusalem heard that many Samaritans had received the word of God and been baptised, but that the Holy Spirit had not yet fallen on any of them, they sent Peter and John. The two laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit. When Simon saw this, he offered them money. "Give me this power, "he said, "that any one on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit."

Peter said to Simon "Your silver will perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money. Repent and pray to the Lord that, if possible, this may be forgiven you. For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity."

Monday, June 19, 2006

Hymn 202

Wouya, wouya, Mucheki mukuru,
Vanhu vachaona Ishe wokudenga;
Vangazomutswa vari kumakuva,
Kuti vaonekwe vose pakachena.

Mucheki ndJesu wakatambudzika,
Kuti vaponiswe norudo rwaBaba,
Avo vakamuda havachatongiswa
Nokuti vamire naIshe wedenga.

Asi vasingadi kunzwa dama rake,
Rokuti vadzoke pane chakaipa,
Vakatozvikona oamberi poM’cheki
Vakatozvipinza pakutambudzika.

Ngatidzoke tose pakuipa kwedu,
Tinzwe izwi erake, tinamate tose,
Ishe ari apno anotsvaka iwe,
Inguva nazvino, uya ugam’chire.


Sunday, June 18, 2006


Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you for my children. Thank you for Takunda, Michelle and Genius. Takunda has sent me a present to mark Father's Day. She sent me 'a book called 'God's Words of Life For Dads'. Gene and Michelle bought me a card and toblerone chocolate! Today I exercised a lot in the morning, by cycling on my bicycle before it developed problems and had to be written off. I then wne t to Erith sports centre to play football - alone! Being World Cup season, it was quite the spirit! I did what I had to do - kick the ball and run after it kick it
again going round the playground, had some rest and resume until I was breathless and sweating. I think I had reached my highest perceived level of exertion maybe 8 or 9 if not 10!

For all that I thank God. Then I moderated some coursework until hayfever took over control of me - sore eyes, a headache, drowsiness, being weak and had to sleep it off for a good three hours. I have just received a call from Mr Ceasar Marange, one of my very supportive AVCE students. He was returning my call which he missed on the train. Had a good chat about the France vs South Korea game now playing with France leading with 1-0. Now I am going back to resume moderating until I go to bed. Good night.

Thank you Lord.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Christian hymns in the Shona language


Kunamatira vamwe

Baba wedu vari kudenga. Ndauya pamberi penyu mangwanani ano kuti ndizokumbirira vamwe vari munguva yakaoma vanosanganisa
  • mhuri yeZimbabwe iri munzara,
  • vanhu ve kuSudan, kuDarfur region vari kurwiswa neveJanjaweed Militia
  • vanhu vekuSomalia vari kurwisana
  • vanhu 58 vekuSriLanka vaurayiwa nebomb vari mubhazi vazhinji vacho vari vana vechikoro
  • vanhu vekuPalestine, Iraq, Afghanistan

Vapenyu vose vaitireiwo nyasha, vawane runyararo netariro munyikadzavo.

Pane vashaya, gamuchirai mweya yavo; kana vaine zvavakatadza varegerereiwo zvitadzo zvavo; nyaradzai nekusimbaradza hama dzavo dziri kuchema; chengetai nherera.

Tinokumbira zvose izvi kuburikidza nezita raJesu Kristu Mwanakomana wenyu, neMweya mutsvene.


Lord you said:

Ask and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Thy will be done

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Thank you Lord

Thank you Lord for your kindness
Thank you Lord for the gift of life
Thank you Lord for the good health
Thank you Lord for the salvation
Thank you Lord for all the blessings
May the grace of the Lord be with me for ever and ever

Psalm 37 Fret not yourself because of the wicked

Fret not yourself because of the wicked,
benot envious of wrongdoers!
For they will soon fade like the grass,
and wither like the green herb.

Trust in the Lord, and do good;
so you will dwell in the Land, and enjoy security.
Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him, and he will act.
He will bring forth your vindication as the light,
and your right as the noonday.

Hymn 68 Ndinobva kwamuri

Ndinobva kwamuri, ndoenda kudenga,
Ndoenda kuimba yaBaba;
Mumba yavo tsvene, imba yorufaro,
Ndinokugadzirirai nzvimbo.

Kana ndichienda, ndinozouyazve,
Handikusiyeyi muri moga;
Asi ndinozokugamchirai ini,
Kuti mugovapowo pandiri.

Iri’zwi raMambo, izwi rorufaro,
Farai, VaKristu farai!
Ishe wakaenda asi achadzoka,
Apinze kudenga imi mose.

Ipapo tinozogara pautsvene,
Navazhinjizhinji chokwadi;
Tinozoimbawo, tiri pamwe chete,
Tichikudza Ishe wokudenga.

Hymn 88

Vakaropafadzwa avo
Vane tsika yenduramo,
Vanofamba mumurau
WaJehova, Mwari wavo.

Swededzai mwoyo wangu
Kuzvipupuriro zvenyu;
Ndizvo zvinondipa mano,
Ndinorida shoko renyu.

Kana ndichichirangarira
Shoko renyu randinoda,
Ndipeiwo kunzwisisa
Ndidzidze zvirevo zvenyu.

Shoko renyu roupenyu;
Makandiponisa naro
Ndikaropafadzwa kwazvo.

Pazvirevo zvenyu Ishe
Ini ndinowana njere;
Shoko renyhu ndiwo mwenje
Kuti handizogumburwa.

Shoko renyu nhaka yangu
Kusvikira pakuguma;
Shoko renyu rakasimba
Nokusingapere Mwari.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Mwari Baba Wedu vari kudenga. Ndimi munopa, Ndimi munotora. Ndinokumbirawo kuti muropafadze Gertrude, hanzvadzi yangu uyo wamakatora muna June 2002. Zorodzai mweya wake murugare, Nokusingapere. Amen.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

God loves his people

I thank you Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God for forgiving my sins and for blessing me with life, health and peace. May thy love be praised by all mankind . Forever and ever. Amen.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Mune tsitsi dzisingapere

Ndinokutendai Baba Wedu vari kudenga. Kudzwai zita renyu nokusingapere. Maita zvenyu nekundiropafadza nekukunda basa remaexaminations. Ndinoziva kuti hakusi kungwara kwangu. Ndimi munondizarurira pese pese pandinoenda nezvandinoita.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Psalm 37: 1-6

A Psalm of David.

1: Fret not yourself because of the wicked, be not envious of wrongdoers!
2: For they will soon fade like the grass, and wither like the green herb.
3: Trust in the LORD, and do good; so you will dwell in the land, and enjoy security.
4: Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5: Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.
6: He will bring forth your vindication as the light, and your right as the noonday.

Baba Wedu varikudenga ndiropafadzei nekukunda muzuva ranhasi, nemuzita raJesu Kristu, Amen.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Mwari makanaka

Ndinokutendai Mwari Baba wedu vari kudenga, nairori zuva ramandikomborera naro.
Ndinokukumbirai mundichengete nokusingapere, kuburikidza nezita raJesu Kristu Mwanakoman Wenyu.


Hymn 138

Rakanaka iro zuva
Randakatenda kuna She!
Mwoyo wangu fara zvako
Udza vanhu vose naro

Ranaka, ranaka
RaJesu wakandishamba
Iye wakandidzidzisa
Kurinda nekuteura
Ranaka, ranaka

Chanaka chitenderano
Chinondisunga kuna She!
Ngaizadzwe imbayake
Norwiyo rwndinoimba

Rakapera basa guru!
Ndiri wake, uri wangu
Wakandizuva norudo
Ndikamutevera ini

Mwoyo wangu chizorora!
Wakatsaukaniswa kare
Rega kubva Ishe
Kwa’ri zvose zvakanaka

Nokudenga chakanzwikwa
I’chitenderano changu
Napakufa ndingatende
Nokuti’ni ndiri Wake.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Muri kwese kwese

Baba wedu samasimba, ndinotenda naiyoyi nguva yamandipa. Ndinoziva kuti muri kwese kwese. Ndiropafadzeiwo nekukunda Satan. Ndipeiwo makomborero eMweya Mutsvene. Ndinokukumbirai kuburikidzamuzita raBaba, nereMwanakomana, naMweya Mutsvene. Amen

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mune rudo Mwari Baba Samasimba

Ndinokutendai Mwari Baba vedu Vari Kudenga, nerudo rwenyu rwamandiratidza. Ndakwanisa kupedza basa recoursework nhasi ikaenda kuna moderator. Kudzwai nekusingapere.

Ndakwanisa nhasi kutanga kwemwedzi kudzikama pfungwa dzangu nekuziva kuti imi makaita kuti ndikwanise kubhadhara mortgage yangu nezvakasiyana apo vandaitarisira kuti vachandiripawo vakatanga kuita rumwe rumwe kundisiya ndiri panguva yakaomarara chose. Ndinokutendai zvikuru.

Ndingadai ndichiita sei pasina imi netsitsi nerudorwenyu? Ndiregerereiwo ndiri mutadzi. Dzingai Satan abvekumba kwangu, abve kubusiness rangu, abve mushure mangu. Ndinotenda kuna Ishe Jesu Kristu Mwanakomana wenyu nekuna Mweya Mutsvene kudzamarara kuve kusingapere. Amen