shona methodist hymns

a forum for the Christian faith, belief in one God, methodist church hymns, the sanctity of life, third world development issues, alleviation of poverty

Monday, December 24, 2007

Kuzvarwa kutsva

Mwari ndimi munotipasimba rekuzvarwa patsva
Ndimi makasika upenyu
Ndimi makasika nyika
Ndimi makatisika
Ndimi munotikomborera

Chitikomboreraiwo apo tiri kucherechedza nguva yekuzvarwa kwaJesu Kristu mwanakomana wenyu.

Tidzivirireiwo pakushushwa naSatan nevateveri vake
Tipei simba rekuramba kuita zvivi
Tipinzeiwo pahupenyu husinga gume
Nenzira yaJesu Kristu Ishe wedu wakakomborerwa
NaMweya Mutsvene

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ndinokutendai Tenzi

Ndinokutendai Tenzi Musiki wangu
Mune ngoni dzisipere
Kudzwai nokusingapere
Ndimi Baba wedu vari kudenga, vane tsitsi
Vanoregerera, vanorera nherera
Kuburikidza nezita raIshe wedu Jesu Kristu Mwanakomana wenyu
NeMweya Mutsvene

Friday, November 16, 2007

Mwari muna masimba ose

Mwari muna masimba ose
Baba waIshe wedu Jesu Kristu
Asingade kufa kwemutadzi,
Asi anoregerera avo vanobvuma zvidariko zvavo
Ndinzwireiwo ngoni
Ndiri mutadzi anobvuma zvitadzo zvake
Nenzira yaJesu Kristu Ishe wedu akakomborerwa!


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Hymn 143

Mumwe ariko kum’soro
Rudo rwake rwaakakomba
Hama dzedu dzinotiza
Zvimwe dzingatitambudze

Kumuziva ndoupenyu
Waakatipa zvinhu zvose
Tanga tiri kure naye
Wakatitenga neropa
Zvino tachengetwa naye

Jesu ndiShamwari wedu
Woda kutiropafadza
Mwoyo yedu inomuda
Yoda kushovedzwa naye
Zvorikwazvo nechokwadi

Anoregerera zvivi
Hondo dzedu dzinokundwa
Anotipa zvipo zvose
Wopa namakomborero
Achatipa noutsvene

Source: NziyoDzeMethodist neMinamato, Gwelo, Zimbabwe: Mambo Press

Monday, November 05, 2007

Mwari Garai Neni

Mwari muna masimba ose
Baba waIshe wedu Jesu Kristu
Asingade kufa kwemutadzi
Asi anoregerera avo vanobvuma zvidariko zvavo
Garai neni ruva radoka
Ndiropafadzeiwo ne Mweya Mutsvene
Ndikunde Satan kubvira iye zvino
kudzamara kuve kusingapere. Amen

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mwari Makanaka

Mwari Muna Masimba Ose
Makanaka kwazvo tenzi
Kudzwai nekusingapere
Kuburikidza nezita raJesu Kristu ishe wedu.


Saturday, October 06, 2007

Kutenda simba guru raMwari

Mwari muna masimba ose, baba waishe wedu Jesu Kristu
Ndinokutendai tenzi nekunzwa minamato yangu apo ndaikumbira kuyambutswa. Zvinhu zvanga zvaoma, asi imi Baba makandinzwira tsitsi ndikana rubatsiro kubva kuHalifax.

Kudzwai nokusingapere!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mweya Mutsvene waMwari - HYMN 77

Mweya mutsvene waMwari
Garai muno mumba
Burukai zvino nesimba
Uya Mweya, uyai

Uyai Mweya, kufanana
Kupenya kwezuva
Venekerai mwoyo yedu
Onisai kuipa

Onisai rushavashava
Nezvirwere zvose
Titungamire panzira
Panenda vatsvene

Uyai serimi romoto
Pisai mwoyo yedu
Tichive zviteuriro
Kuna Ishe wedu

Uya Mweya kufanana
Dova rokudenga
Mwoyo isingabereke
Ive namapudzi

Uya senjiva yedenga
Namapapiro orudo

Uyai sedutu remhepo
Nesimba renyasha
Kuti vanhu vakuonei
Noutsvene hwenyu

Uyai Mweya wokudenga
Mukugara kwedu
Mutiite musha wenyu
Uyai Mweya, uyai


Source: Nziyo dzeMethodist Neminamato, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mwari Ndinzwireiwo Ngoni

Mwari, Baba waIshe wedu Jesu Kristu
Asingade kufa kwemutadzi,
asi anoregerera avo vano bvuma zvidariko zvavo.
Ndinunureiwo tenzi. Ndinoziva kuti mundondiponisa nguva dzose.
Ndinoziva kuti munondichengeta. Mune rudo. Munoregerera zvitadzo.
Itai izvi Baba unengoni. Nenzira yaJesu Kristu, Ishe wedu wakakomborerwa. Amen

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A cry of anguish - Psalms 22

My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?

I have cried desperately for help, but still it does not come. During the day I call you, my God, but you do not answer; I call at night, but get no rest.

But you are enthroned as the Holy One, the one whom Israel praises.

Our ancestors put their trust in you; they trusted you, and you saved them.

They called to you and escaped from danger, they trusted you and were not


But I am no longer a human being; I am a worm, despised and scorned by everyone!

All who see me jeer at me; they stick out their tongues and shake their heads.

"You relied on the Lord, " they say, "Why doesn't he save you? If the Lord likes you, why doesn't help?"

It was you who brought me safely through birth, and when I was baby , you kept me safe. I have relied on you since the day I was born, and you have always been my God.

Do not stay away from me! Trouble is near, and there is no one to help.

Many enemies surround me like bulls, and they are around me, like fierce bulls from the land of Bashan. They open their mouths like lions, roaring and tearing at me.

My strength is gone, gone like water spilt on the ground. All my bones are out of joint; my heart is like melted wax. My throat as dry as dust, ad my tongue sticks to the roof my mouth. You have left me for dead in the dust...

Source: Good News Bible - Today's English Version, Bible Society of South Africa.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Muzita raBaba, nereMwanakomana neMweya Mutsvene. Amen.

Mwari, muna Masimba ose, Baba waIshe wedu Jesu Kristu, asingade kufa kwemutadzi, asi anoregerera avo vanobvuma zvidariko zvavo. Ndinzwireiwo ngoni. Ndiri mutadzi ane mwoyo wakaundundika. Ndinoziva kuti hakuna chandinga kwanise kuita ndisina kuropafadzwa nemi. Ndinokumbira tsitsi dzenyu mangwanani ano. Ndinonamatirawo vavengi vangu kuti imi Mwari ndimi munoziva zvekuita navo.Handina vamwe vamwari vandinonamata kunze kwenyu.

Zviripo zvinosuwisa zvandiri kusnganidzana nazvo muhupenyu hwangu, imi Mwari munozviziva. Kungave kumba, kana kubasa, kana kumusha. Ndinokukumbirai kuti mundinzvirewo ngoni, mundinunure pane ino nguva yekuedzwa kwangu na Satan.

Dzingai mweya yetsvina yose - ingave yekudzinza kwangu kana yekuvatorwa. Ngaindisiye. Ndipeiwo Mweya Mutsvene undichengete panguva yose yehupenyu hwangu. Kuburikidza nezita ra Jesu Kristu Ishe wedu wakakomborerwa. Amen.

Hymn 117

Nditarire nokufara
Ishe wangu;
Ndimi makazondifira
Ishe wangu.
Makasiya denga renyu
Makazvideredza chose
Kuti mugondiponisa
Ishe wangu.

Ndandigere mune rima
Ishe wangu;
Ndaienda kuno rufu
Ishe wangu.
Dzakauya nhume dzenyu
Kuti ndinzwe dama renyu
Dzandiudza tsitsi dzenyu
Ishe wangu.

Ngandinzwiswe ngoni dzenyu
Ishe wangu;
Ndiri muponiswa wenyu
Ishe wangu
Zvakaipa ngazvipere,
Mwoyo wanyu utsveniswe,
Inzwai, mundiregerere,
Ishe wangu!


Source: Nziyo DzeMethodist neMinamato, Mambo Press: Zimbabwe:

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mwari Muri Pedyo

Ndinokutendai Mwari Baba muna masimba ose

Nezviratidzo zvenyu kuburikidza nehope dzangu

Makanaka, munonzwa zvichemo zvevanu venyu

Munodavira patisingafungire

Mwari Muri Pedyo

Garai nesu kubvira iye zvino kudzamara kuve kusingapere

Neropa raJesu ndinoti Satan IBVA


Friday, August 10, 2007

Chitendero Chavapostori

Ndinotenda kuna Mwari Baba wamasimba ose, Musiki wedenga nenyika;

nokuna Jesu Kristu, Mwanakomana wake mumwe chete, Ishe wedu;

wakanongwa noMweya Mutsvene, akazvarwa neMhandara Maria;

akanzwa kurwadza pasi paPontio Pirato;

akaroverwa pamuchinjikwa, akafa, akavigwa, akaburukira kuvashakabvu;

nezuva retatu akamuka pakufa;

akakwira akaenda kudenga, uko kwaagere kurudyi rwaMwari, Baba wamasimba ose;
achauya kakare kuzotonga vapenyu navakafa.

Ndinotenda kuna Mweya Mutsvene, neChechi tsvene zendanakuenda;
norumuko rwomuviri;

noupenyu husingapere.

Hymn 74

Zadzisai chirevo chenyu
Mwari, Ishe wechokwadi;
Ose marudzi enyika
Ngaawane ruponiso.

Namabvi kuneyi nyika
Ngaafugame panemi,
Dzidzamare dzose ndimi
Dzireve ukuru hwenyu.

Tongai, Jesu, tongai!
Rwouya nemi rufaro;
Nezvikanganiso zvedu
Yatadzika yose nyika.

Tarirai nyika yedu,
Regererai zvitadzo;
Ishe musatitsamwire
Isingafe mhuri yayo.

Rambai She, tisazvidze
Zvidzidziso zvezwi renyu;
Mutimutsirire Baba
Tigonzwa chokwadi chenyu.

Source: Nziyo DzeMethodist Neminamato (1964) Methodist Church, Salisbury, Zimbabwe Mambo Press: Gwelo

Thursday, August 09, 2007

A Prayer for Guidance and Protection - of David - Psalms 25:1-3

To you, O Lord, I offer my prayer;
in you, my God, I trust.
Save me from the shame of defeat;
don't let my enemies gloat over me!
Defeat does not come to those who trust in you
but to those who are quick to rebel against you.

Source: Good News Bible, Illustrated , 1990,Collins: New York, page 550

Hymn 147

Jesu ndokudai Muponisi wangu,
Ndosiya zvose zvakaipa zvangu,
Imi M'sununguri, imi M'chengeti,
Ndokudai Jesu, ndokudai Jesu,
ndokudai Jesu, ndokudai zvino


Source: Nziyo DzeMethodist neMinamato (1981) Methodist Church, Salisbury , Zimbabwe, Mambo Press: Gwelo, page 128.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Great King : Psalms 24

The world and all that is in it belong to the Lord;
the earth and all who live on it are his.
He built it on the deep waers beneath the earth
and laid its foundations in the ocean deapths.

Who has the right to go up the Lord's hill?
Who may enter his holy Temple?
Those who are pure in act and in thought
who do not worshp idols or make false promises.

The Lord will bless them and save them;
God will declare them innocent,
Such are the people who come to God,
who come into the presence of God of Jacob.

Fling wide the gates,
open the ancient doors,
and the great king will come in.
Who is this great king?
He is the Lord, strong and mighty,
the Lord victorous in battle.

Fling wide the gates,
open the ancient doors
and the great king will come in.
Who is this great king?
The triumphant Lord - he is the great king!

Source: Good News Bible, Illustrated, 1990, The Bible Societies, Collins

Hymn 158

Mwari ndiye tsvingo yedu
Ndiye simba redu iye;
Pakumanikidzwa kose
Ruyamuro rwechokwadi.

Nyange nyika yosandurwa,
Nyange makomo okandwa
Mugungwa rakadzikisa,
Hatimbotya, tino vimba.

Nyange gungwa roriridza,
Richimedza namafuro
Mweya unovimba naye,
Unogonzwa runyararo.

Pane rwizi rwakanaka
Rwofadza guta raMwari;
Upenyu, rudo, rufaro,
Zvinoyerera mariri.

Mwari agere mariri
Rinozobatsirwa naye
Rinunurwe pakarepo.

Ndiye Jehova wesimba
Ndiye Mwari ano rudo
Ndi Mwari agere nesu
Mwari ndiye tsvingo yedu.


Source: Nziyo dzeMethodist Neminamato, Harare, Zimbabwe

Ishe taungana

Hymn 209

Ishe taungana
Muno mumba yenyu;
Uyaiwo, zvatapinda
Ishe mberi kwenyu.

Iyo mwoyo yedu
Nayo mweya yedu Ishe

Hurukuro dzenyu
Baba, ngatidzinzwe;
Razarurwa dama renyu
Nemi tikunzwei.

Tinatswewo, Ishe,
Isu vanhu venyu;
Kana tafa, tipinzewo
Mune denga renyu.


Source: Nziyo Dze Methodist Neminamato, Harare, Zimbabwe

Sunday, July 29, 2007

God, I have noone to turn to

Don't leave me alone Lord
For I know noone else to trust except you
Thank you for always being by my side
Thank you for the protection
Thank you for the inspiration I derived from reading about David and Goliath today.
Lord bless my hands as I work
Bless all my plans so they become yours and be accomplished
Bless me with energy, vision, wisdom and strength
Thank you for all the other blessings I have not mentioned
Thank you for giving me food, shelter, clothes, wealth, work, life itself and FAITH in you.
In Jesus Christ's name, please rescue me from the evil plans of my enemies.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

With God, You Will Not Fail

Trust in God and you will achieve your goal/s.

I say so from my life experience.

God is kind

God is reliable

God is generous


Thank you Lord

Mwari muna masimba ose

Baba waIshe wedu Jesu Kristu

Vanoregerera avo vanobvuma zvidariko zvavo

Ndinokutendai nengoni dzenyu dzisingapere

Thank you Lord

Thy will be done on earth for thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory,

for ever and ever


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost

Thank you Lord for your blessings with which you have showered me today. Let thy name be praised in heaven and on earth, for ever and ever. In Jesus name.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thank you Father

Thank you Father
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ
We are now at 24 Borough High Street
We thank you for answering our prayers
Pardon us for our sins
Deliver us from evil
Give us today more business prospects
Convince those who are defaulting to pay up
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory

Friday, July 06, 2007

God is always kind and reliable

I speak from experience not from some quotation
God is very reliable, kind, forgiving and generous
For that reason I thank the Lord for caring for me
What could I do without God?
Let thy name be praised

Friday, June 29, 2007

Thanksgiving to God for His Justice - Psalms 9

I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all the wonderful things you have done
I will sing with joy because of you
I will sing praise to you, Almighty God!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

O come let us sing to the Lord - Psalm 96

O come, let us sing to the Lord
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come unto his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
For the Lord is a great God.

Source: The Reader's Digest Bible Illustrated Edition, 1990, London

Hymn 140

Vazhinji vanayo nhaka
Yavanozviinzwa nayo
Vazhinji vanayo pfuma
Vanozvifarisa nayo

Handizvidze zvipo zvenyu
Zvohu upenyu huripo
Asi imi Ishe Jesu
Muri nhaka yangu kwazvo

Kunyange ndanga ndisina
Zvinhu zvoruno rugaro
Ndinemi muridzi wazvo
Ndine zvinhu zvose nemi

Kana mava wangu Jesu
Ndakwana nezvinhu zvose
Nezvi zviripo ndezvangu
Nezvinouya ndezvangu

Neino nyika ndeyangu
Nairo denga nderangu
Nahwo upenyu ndohwangu
Nokunakirwa ndokwangu

Hahupere uhwopenyu
Huri nhaka yangu nemi
Kunakirwa hakupere
Kwandakawana kunemi


Mwari samasimba, usina ukoni, munotonga zvose zviri kudenga nezviri panyika; inzwai netsitsi mikumbiro yavanhu venyu, mutipe runyararo rwenyu mazuva ose oupenyu hwedu; nenzira yaJesu Kristu Ishe wedu.

Source: Nziyo DzeMethodist Neminamato, 1964, Methodist Church, Harare (page 286)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ

Thank You Lord for your mercy
Thank you for making my day
Thank you for the rich blessings
Thank you for being by my side
Thank you for the protection
Thank you for the breakthough


Mumwe ariko kudenga

Hymn 143

Mumwe ariko kum’soro
Rudo rwake rwaakakomba
Hama dzedu dzinotiza
Zvimwe dzingatitambudze

Kumuziva ndoupenyu
Waakatipa zvinhu zvose
Tanga tiri kure naye
Wakatitenga neropa
Zvino tachengetwa naye

Jesu ndiShamwari wedu
Woda kutiropafadza
Mwoyo yedu inomuda
Yoda kushovedzwa naye
Zvorikwazvo nechokwadi

Anoregerera zvivi
Hondo dzedu dzinokundwa
Anotipa zvipo zvose
Wopa namakomborero
Achatipa noutsvene


Source: Nziyo neMinamato YeMethodist, Harare Zimbabwe.

Monday, June 18, 2007

A prayer for help Psalms 70:1

Save me, O God!
Lord, help me now!

Also see Ps 40. (13-17)

Apo ndatambudzika

Hymn 155

Apo ndatambudzika
Nezvakaipa zvangu
Nezvirunziro zvangu
Ndinzwei Baba wangu

Ndicherechedzei baba we,
Ndicherechedzei baba we,

O Baba samasimba
Ndipei samba renyu
Nokuti ndinoshaya
Kugara zvakanaka.

Panguva yokuchema
Nenguva yokutamba,
Nenguva yousiku,
Pabasa rangu rose:

Parwendo rwoupenyu
Munyatwa nomurufu,
Mudenda rakaipa
Ndichengetei Baba.


Source: Nziyo Dzemethodist Neminamato, Methodist Church, 7 Central Avenue, Salisbury, Zimbabwe, Printed by Mambo Press, Gwelo. Copyright 1964, Seventh Impression 1981

Thursday, June 14, 2007

God life is pleasant gift

I thank you God for the gift of life
I have experienced many exciting things today
I have enjoyed your protection, blessings and mercy
I look forward to your deliverance as I work tirelessly to improve my life
I count on your kindness in all that I do at home andat work
Do not leave me alone; do not lose patience with me
I know no other saviour than you Lord
I pray for a breakthrough to day, tomorrow and forever.
In the nameof Jesus our Lord,I curse Satan; Leave my family Satan; leave my business Satan; Leave my homes Satan.

I don't forget the people of Gaza who have seen civil unrest today resulting in the death of 80 people. God heal the wounds.
Lord have mercy; hear my humble prayer. In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Nditarire Nokufara

Hymn 117

Nditarire nokufara
Ishe wangu;
Ndimi makazondifira
Ishe wangu.
Makasiya denga renyu
Makazvideredza chose
Kuti mugondiponisa
Ishe wangu.

Ndandigere mune rima
Ishe wangu;
Ndaienda kuno rufu
Ishe wangu.
Dzakauya nhume dzenyu
Kuti ndinzwe dama renyu
Dzandiudza tsitsi dzenyu
Ishe wangu.

Ngandinzwiswe ngoni dzenyu
Ishe wangu;
Ndiri muponiswa wenyu
Ishe wangu
Zvakaipa ngazvipere,
Mwoyo wanyu utsveniswe,
Inzwai, mundiregerere,
Ishe wangu!


Source: Nziyo DzeMethodist, Harare, Zimbabwe

Nditarire Nokufara

Hymn 117

Nditarire nokufara
Ishe wangu;
Ndimi makazondifira
Ishe wangu.
Makasiya denga renyu
Makazvideredza chose
Kuti mugondiponisa
Ishe wangu.

Ndandigere mune rima
Ishe wangu;
Ndaienda kuno rufu
Ishe wangu.
Dzakauya nhume dzenyu
Kuti ndinzwe dama renyu
Dzandiudza tsitsi dzenyu
Ishe wangu.

Ngandinzwiswe ngoni dzenyu
Ishe wangu;
Ndiri muponiswa wenyu
Ishe wangu
Zvakaipa ngazvipere,
Mwoyo wanyu utsveniswe,
Inzwai, mundiregerere,
Ishe wangu!


Source: Nziyo

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Good morning Lord Jesus Christ

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, hereby is my prayer today:

Good morning Lord Jesus Christ

Thank you for blessing me with life and good health. I am aware of the fact that there are others who are in bad health. I therefore ask you Lord Jesus Christ to heal the wounds of those who have been injured in the wars around the world. As for those who have lost their lives, I pray that their souls rest in peace. Pardon them for their sins.

I emphathise with those who have lost their relatives and are now faced with practical and emotional problems. I ask you Lord Jesus Christ to care for them and help them rebuild their lives. Give them power to recover from their loss and opportunities to fend for themselves. May the world today see peace or at least ceasefire in the troubled spots.

I pray that
. the hungry find something to eat
. the poor be cared for
. the weak be protected from the strong
. the innocent be spared punishment for crimes they did not commit
. humanity remembers to care
. people do not seek to terrorise others
. cruelty, torture and hatred come to an end
. world rulers stop engaging in wars, torture, revenge killings, genocide and war games
. we have real world peace, tolerance, love and prosperity in diversity

On a personal level, I pray that I manage to overcome the challenges I am facing. I have just been listening to my microcassete recorder where I recorded my own bible readings and Shona hymns that I sing for guidance. I heard in the Acts of the Apostles that when Paul and his colleagues were arrested and put in prison, they sang hymns throughout the night until they got free! What an inspiration for me!! Although, I have not managed to sing for more than just an hour, I feel encouraged.

I do derive a lot of satisfaction from singing to God and will soon get my hymn book and sing praise to God, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I can only achieve this through God's intervention. Accordingly, I ask the Lord for guidance. Help me Lord Jesus Christ! Pprotect me from my enemies in all their plots. Pardon me for my sins.

Rescue me from all the problems that I am facing. Give me strength to overcome them. Help me to remember that some of the things I take for granted are other people's dreams. I therefore pray to you Lord to be grateful, humble and less selfish.

Lord have mercy- hear my prayers!


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Jesu ari kundiropafadza

Ndinotenda Ishe Jesu nekudavira miteuro yangu
Ndinotenda nekundiita kuti ndibudirire pakutsvaga nzvimbo itsva yebusiness rangu
Chindikomboreraiwo ndikwanise kuunganidza zvese zviri kudiwa nevaridzi venzvimbo
Ndinokudai tenzi
Mune tsitsi
Ivai neni nguva dzose
Ndidzivirirei pakushushwa neuyo wakaipa
Kubvira iye zvino kudzamara kuve kusingapere

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Whenever you refuse to help...

I found this written on a note in a used bible that I bought recently.
"Whenever you refuse to help one of these people in need, you refuse to help me.

Matthew 25:31

I tell you this: anything you did for one of my brethren here, however humble, you did for me.

Give me the will to be the servant of others."

May God bless these sacred words!

Friday, June 01, 2007

The Lord Our Shepherd Psalms 23

"Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, Lord for you are with me. Your shepherd's rod and staff protect me" Psalm 23:4


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

God! You Are Wonderful.

Thank you Lord Jesus for this day
I have triumphed against all odds
I have been tried and tested by men and machines

I have had my patience pushed to the limits
I have been asked to go more than an extra mile

I have been asked to give more than the baker's dozen
I have been taken for granted

I have learnt to be deceived
I have been asked to take it or leave it

I have been given verbal assurances
I have been asked to give written commitments

I have also made mistakes to trust the untrustworthy

I have learnt to Cry For Help from Psalms 69
I have also realised how privileged I am
I have seen that I am not on earth because of evolution
I have resolved to keep trying
I have also learnt to be considerate
Protect me, rescue me, bless me with the Holy Spirit

Be patient and remain kind Lord

Keep guard on me always

You can see all my blindspots

You can watch over me more than CCTV cameras

Don't go far away from me

I need you my everlasting umbrela

I need you my Father

I need you my inspiration

I need you by my side

I need you in my dreams

I need you in business decisions

I need your counsel in my personal life

Who would stand up for me in this world?

I do not forget the suffering people of Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Darfur, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, and those who have lost their parents, because I know what it means to have none.

Lord have mercy, hear my prayers.
Good night!

Mweya mutsvene waMwari
Garai muno mumba
Burukai zvino nesimba
Uya Mweya, uyai

Uyai Mweya, kufanana
Kupenya kwezuva
Venekerai mwoyo yedu
Onisai kuipa

Onisai rushavashava
Nezvirwere zvose
Titungamire panzira
Panenda vatsvene

Uyai serimi romoto
Pisai mwoyo yedu
Tichive zviteuriro
Kuna Ishe wedu

Uya Mweya kufanana
Dova rokudenga
Mwoyo isingabereke
Ive namapudzi

Uya senjiva yedenga
Namapapiro orudo

Uyai sedutu remhepo
Nesimba renyasha
Kuti vanhu vakuonei
Noutsvene hwenyu

Uyai Mweya wokudenga
Mukugara kwedu
Mutiite musha wenyu
Uyai Mweya, uyai

Source: Dzimbo DzeMethodist, Harare, Zimbabwe

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

We tend to forget

We tend to forget about God's guidance and protection until we are in trouble the second time around.

Some say it is human nature to do so.

I would like to keep thanking God for his mercy and love; for pretection, for being rescued and for the blessings of life, good health and wisdom.

May it last forever, in Jesus name.

God is kind

I thank God for guiding me through difficult times and challenging circumstances.

May his Name be praised at all times. Amen!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Mwari Ndinokutendai

Ndinotenda Mwari nekunditungamirira kwamakaita pandakaenda kumusha paEaster kundogadzira nhau dzemusha.
Kudzwai nekusingapere.
Muzita raJesu Kristu Ishe wedu akakomborerwa


Friday, March 30, 2007

A cry of anguish and a song of praise

At this time of anguish when I am faced with challenges including matrimonial, business and personal, I am coming to the Lord Jesus Christ for guidance, devine protection, strength and deliverance from all the problems at hand.

In Psalms 22 I learn that our ancestors put their trust in God and He saved them.

  • "They called to you and escaped from danger and trusted you and were not disappointed".

Furthermore the following words aptly describe my situation :-

  • "I have relied on you since the day I was born and you have always been my God. Do not stay away from me. Trouble is near, and there is no one to help."

Mwari, una masimba ose, Baba waIshe wedu Jesu Kristu, asingade kufa kwemutadzi inzwai muteuro wangu.


Monday, March 05, 2007

Hymn 141 Ndinofara kuti Baba wedu

Ndinofara kuti Baba wedu
Wareva rudo rwake rukuru
Murugwaro rwake rwakanaka
Ndonzwa kuti Jesu anondida

Ndinofara Jesu wandida
Anondida, anondida
Ndinofara Jesu wandida
Ini anondida

Kana ini ndichimukanganwa
Iye anozondiyeuchidza
Zvino kwaari ndinodzokera
Ndonzwa kuti Jesu anondida

Jesu anondida ini kwazvo
Saka wandipa upenyu hwake
Kutadza kwangu wakakufira
Ndonzwa kuti Jesu anondida

Mwoyo wangu uno Mununuri
Ndinotenda Jesu Mununuri
Zvino ndinogomubatirira
Nokuti ndonzwa Jesu wandida


Source: Nziyo DzeMethodist, Gwelo, Zimbabwe

Friday, March 02, 2007

A vision of Christ Revelation 1:9

Herewith some words of inspiration from Revelations:

9"I am John your brother, and as a follower of Jesus I am your partner in patiently enduring the suffering that comes to those who belong to his Kingdon.

I was put on the Island of Patmos because I had proclaimed God's word and the truth that Jesus revealed.

10 On the Lord's day, the Spirit took control of me, and I heard a loud voice, that sounded like a trumpet, speaking behind me.

11 It said, "Write down what you see, and send the book to the churches in these seven cities: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Loadicea."

I turned round to see who was talking to me, and I saw seven gold lampstands,

13 and among them there was what looked like a human being, wearing a robe that reached to his feet, and a gold belt round his chest.

14 His hair was white as wool, or as snow, and his eyes blazed like fire:

15 his feet shone like brass that has been refined and polished, and his voice sounded like a roaring waterfall.

16 He held seven stars in his right hand, a sharp two-edged sword came out of his mouth. His face was as bright as the midday sun.

17 When I saw him, I feel down at his feet like a dead man. He placed his right hand on me and said, "Don't be afraid! I am the first and the last.

18 I am the living one! I was dead but now I am alive for ever and ever. I have authority over death and the world of the dead.

19 Write, then, the things you see, both the things that are now and the things that will happen afterwards.

20 This is the secret meaning of the seven gold lamps-stands; the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven lamp-stands are the seven churches.


Source:Good News Bible, Illustrated, 1990

Friday, February 23, 2007

Hymn 138

Rakanaka iro zuva
Randakatenda kuna She!
Mwoyo wangu fara zvako
Udza vanhu vose naro

Ranaka, ranaka
RaJesu wakandishamba
Iye wakandidzidzisa
Kurinda nekuteura
Ranaka, ranaka

Chanaka chitenderano
Chinondisunga kuna She!
Ngaizadzwe imbayake
Norwiyo rwndinoimba

Rakapera basa guru!
Ndiri wake, uri wangu
Wakandizuva norudo
Ndikamutevera ini

Mwoyo wangu chizorora!
Wakatsaukaniswa kare
Rega kubva Ishe
Kwa’ri zvose zvakanaka

Nokudenga chakanzwikwa
I’chitenderano changu
Napakufa ndingatende
Nokuti’ni ndiri wake


Source: Nziyo Dze Methodist, Gwelo, Zimbabwe.

Six things which the LORD hates

The Books of Proverbs, chapter 6

16: There are six things which the LORD hates, seven which are an abomination to him:
17: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18: a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil,
19: a false witness who breathes out lies, and a man who sows discord among brothers.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Thank you Lord for My Birthday Eve

Thank you Lord for your kindness, love and care during all these years you have given me on earth.

I pray for many more and for better health, success, prosperity and breakthrough at home, at work and beyond.

In the name of Jesus, I curse the devil!

In the name of Jesus I refuse to be used by the devil!

In the name of Jesus, I refuse to be blocked by the devil.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

God, you are very kind

God, the Almighty and merciful Father, who art in heaven
Thank you for giving me a chance to pray
Thank you for the gift of life and good health
Thank you for all the things that I take for granted
Thank you for inspiring me through the power of prayer

You are very kind and gracious with your blessings
You protect me, you rescue me, you forgive me, you guide me, you inspire me
Bless me today with success and breakthrough on all fronts - at home, at work and in society at large

I humbly ask you to drive away the devil, drive away evil spirits, drive away bad luck from me
Bless me Father with more years on earth, bless me with more knowledge, bless me with wisdom and bless me with power to pray everyday of my life
Bless me with good life enough for me to remember to worship you

I also pray for unbelievers
Father you are above your creations
Only you can deliver them from evil and blasphemy
I don't forget the people of Zimbabwe who are experiencing serious problems of survival
May you intervene in the crisis facing our country
I know that you already know our problems and our dreams
Why should we keep suffering Lord?
Why should our country continue to slide into more and more abject poverty?
Why should prosperiry remain a pipedream in our country in the 21st century?

Lord have mercy, hear our prayers

In Jesus name Our Lord and Saviour

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A prayer for Guidance and Protection

Psalms 25

To you, O Lord, I offer my prayer;
in you, my God, I trust.
Save me from the shame of defeat
don't let my enemies gloat over me
Defeat does not come to those who trust you!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

My refuge

Lord, you are my refuge
When I can't stand the problems facing me
Deliver me from evil
I also pray for others in need....
For those who are in agony of losing their loved ones or breadwinners
For those living in poverty
For the hungry
For innocent children caught up in family feuds
For those who have fallen victim to accidents
For those who have fallen ill
For those whose immigration status hangs in the balance
For those looking for employment
For those whose families are breaking-up
For those loooking for long-term relationships
For those being abused, bullied, harassed and intimidated
For those living in constant fear due to war or instability in their countries

Friday, January 26, 2007

Lord Have Mercy

About the picture: taken by Clifford on 24.01.07 to mark the 1st snow for winter 2007 in Erith, Kent, UK

Lord I thank you for the gift of life

I pray today for your mercy

I have enough troubles to sort out on my own

Only you can give me wisdom, strength and power

Without you I am doomed

Prevent my enemies from destroying me

Protect me from the evil one

Rescue me from all the problems facing me -

At home, at work and further afield in my country

I know no other god than you Father Almighty

Bless me with answers to all the questions that I am asked

Help me exercise restraint in the face of extreme provocation

Pardon me for my sins as I forgive those who upset me

Let your name be praised by all mankind, for ever and ever

In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord

Lord have mercy, hear my prayers!


Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Lord's Mercy on Israel (Jeremiah 31:15-17)

The Lord says ' A sound is heard in Ramah, the sound of bitter weeping. Rachel is crying for her children; they are gone, and she refuses to be comforted. Stop your crying and wipe away your tears. All that you have done for your children will not go unrewarded; they will return from the enemy's land. There is hope for your future; your children will come back home. I, the Lord, have spoken.

Source: Good News Bible, Illustrated, Collins, 1990:764

What I learn from this passage:- that
  • God is merciful
  • God can hear our crying
  • God is always watching over us
  • God comforts us
  • God gives us hope
  • God can deliver on his promises

Today 11th January 2007, I look back with satisfaction that God loves me and that he has been very kind by blessing me with the gift of life, good health, children, a home, a job, warm clothes and kind people. I look forward with hope to achieving my goals in life.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2007!

Thank you Lord for
  • blessing me with life
  • your kindness
  • love
  • protection
  • guidance
  • rescuing me
  • inspiring me

May the new year be full of more blessings, breakthroughs and rejoicing! Lord hear my prayers. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen